Web Development

MAIM (Mobile App Integrated Marquee) - A Weather Company product

My Role
Web Developer
Product Designer
Animation/Video Creation
Brand Designer
June 2017 - March 2023

Links to the projects I built:

Custom Animation Ad Unit 1: Hotel Transylvania 4 Ad
Custom Animation Ad Unit 2: 
Disney's Luca Ad
Custom Animation Ad Unit 3: 
Polar Six Ad

Other functionalities of the Build:
Regular Build - JEEP,
Regular Build - TACO BELL,
Countdown 1 - Bacardi,
Countdown 2 - NBC ,
Video Gallery Feat - PRIME VIDEO,

Mobile Web Build - BMW ,
Swipe - Wendys Prototype

Tech Stack/Build: After Effects | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Premier | HTML5, CSS, Javascript | Webpack | Github Maintainence (PR)

Project Overview:In my pivotal role at IBM Watson Advertising, I was responsible for the development and enhancement of the Mobile App Integrated Marquee (MAIM), a premium advertising unit on The Weather Channel's mobile apps. This innovative ad product amalgamates real-time weather data with brand imagery to create ads that are both visually stunning and contextually relevant, reaching an audience of over 17 million daily users.

Challenges:A key challenge was not only to create an ad unit that effectively integrates diverse data sets and features but also to provide a means for clients to preview and experience these ads as they would appear in the app. This required an intricate blend of technical development and user experience design.


  • Custom Preview and Display Architecture: I architected a unique preview and display feature within the MAIM, allowing clients to see and simulate how their ads would appear on The Weather Channel App. This functionality was baked into the ad unit, providing a realistic and interactive demonstration of the ad experience.
  • Integration of Advanced Features: The MAIM units were designed to incorporate data-based features like user location, weather conditions, and time of day, along with HTML5 functionalities such as video playback, rich animations, and expandable overlays. This created a dynamic and engaging user experience.
  • Development of Over 30 Specialized MAIM Products: During my six years at The Weather Company, I created over 30 specialized MAIM products, each featuring different functionalities, built using Vanilla JS, and compiled with Webpack.
  • Refinement and Componentization: For more sophisticated builds, I utilized Storybook for componentizing the MAIM functionalities, ensuring modular and maintainable code structures.
  • Longevity and Impact: The MAIM, with its custom preview feature, continues to be a critical part of The Weather Channel App, underscoring the unit's effectiveness and longevity in digital advertising.


The incorporation of a custom-built preview and display feature in the MAIM revolutionized the way clients interact with and understand their ads, significantly enhancing the sales and presentation process. This innovation, coupled with the sophisticated integration of real-time data and HTML5 functionalities, solidified the MAIM as a benchmark in the field of digital advertising. My contribution to architecting this complex ad unit and its preview functionality stands as a significant achievement in my career, showcasing my technical expertise and commitment to enhancing user and client experience in the digital advertising realm.