Web Development
Web Design


My Role
Web Designer
Web Developer
June-Sept 2020

Website: https://www.unitedforhealth2020.com/

Tech Stack/Build: Wix | Javascript, CSS, HTML5

Project Background: The UFH2020 project was a significant undertaking aimed at educating high-risk communities about various aspects of COVID-19. My role encompassed the complete design and development of the website, providing a comprehensive source of information about the virus, disease progression, testing, vaccinations, and prevention strategies.

Challenges:The primary challenge was to present complex medical information in an accessible and engaging manner to a diverse audience. It was crucial to design a user-friendly interface that could effectively communicate essential health information without overwhelming the users. Additionally, the site needed to be reliable and easy to navigate, given the critical nature of the content.


  • Innovative Website Design: The design of the website was focused on clarity and ease of use. I developed a clean, intuitive interface that made navigation straightforward, allowing users to easily find the information they needed.
  • Comprehensive Content Layout: I organized the website content to cover all essential aspects of COVID-19, including virus information, disease progression, testing procedures, vaccination details, immunological health, and mitigation strategies. The information was presented in a structured, easy-to-understand format.
  • Custom Features for Enhanced Engagement: To increase user engagement, I integrated custom features such as interactive diagrams, infographics, and a dedicated section on Vitamin D3. This section highlighted its importance as an affordable means to bolster the immune system, a key point of interest for the targeted audience.
  • User-Centric Development: Special attention was given to ensuring that the website was accessible to a wide range of users, including those with limited technical or medical knowledge. The site was optimized for various devices and browsers to ensure a seamless experience for all visitors.
  • Reliable and Up-to-Date Information: Given the evolving nature of COVID-19 information, the site was designed to be easily updateable. This allowed for the swift incorporation of new data and health guidelines, ensuring the site remained a reliable and current resource.


The UFH2020 website successfully served as a vital educational tool for high-risk communities. The design and development choices made the complex information about COVID-19 accessible and comprehensible. The emphasis on Vitamin D3 and the integration of custom features significantly enhanced user engagement, making the site not just informative but also interactive.

The website was well-received by its audience, praised for its user-friendly design and the wealth of crucial information it provided. This project exemplified my ability to combine creative design with functional development, delivering a platform that played a crucial role in disseminating important health information during a global pandemic.